Welcome to Birmingham Peoples Centre

Birmingham Peoples Centre provides free employment rights advice to people who live or work in Birmingham. Being a small advice centre, with limited resources, we do not have the capacity to assist everyone who contacts us. If we are unable to assist we will try to identify other potential sources of help. If you are a new client please complete the Contact Us form below.

If you need urgent advice you might wish to contact the Acas Helpline on 0300 123 1100, or visit their website: www.acas.org.uk/contact. For discrimination issues EASS might be able to assist: https://www.equalityadvisoryservice.com/

What We Do

Employment Tribunal Advice, Guidance & Representation
Completing The ACAS Early Conciliation Form & Negotiating
Identifying & Advising On The Strength of Potential Claims
Advice & Information On Employment Issues
Help With Disciplinary Hearings
Negotiating Settlements With ACAS

Representing Yourself

We can support you to represent yourself at a disciplinary hearing, during ACAS Early Conciliation and when making a claim to the employment tribunal. Our factsheets and resources will guide you through the process and you can always contact us if you need any help.

Contact Us

As a small advice agency, with limited funding and resources, we’re unable to assist everyone who contacts us. When deciding if we can help, and the level of support we can provide, we will take into account our workload, available resources and the complexity and merits of the case. If we can offer you support, we will do so. We will make it clear what we can do and what we cannot do. If we are not able to help you directly, wherever possible we will signpost you to other organisations who may be able to assist you.
Do you give BPC permission to store and handle your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy (http://bpcentre.org.uk/privacy-statement/)? This will include your contact information and details about your employment issue.
If any information you have privided to us contains personal data that reveals your racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; genetic data; biometric data; data concerning your health; sex life or sexual orientation, we need your explicit consent to record and process this data. Do you give us permission to record such information?

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